Reference collection

The reference collection contains scientific material that has been documented in research publications.

Enlarged view: Ophioderma escheri
Ophioderma escheri. Oswald Heer, 1865 - Die Urwelt der Schweiz, Fig. 34

Copies of completed diploma theses, dissertations, expeditions and research projects offer scientists the possibility to view and compare documentary evidence from previous projects and use it for other scientific purposes.

The palaeontological section of the reference collection is centred on the original documents. The specimens depicted in publications are especially valuable as clear reference documents if species or other taxa were described for the first time scientifically in the publication. In this instance, they are referred to a type specimens, which act as the definitive reference in all issues regarding the identity of plants and animals. Such specimens are consulted by scientists from all over the world if similar species are found and their identity needs to be determined for certain.   


Dr. Iwan Stössel
  • NO D 51.1
  • +41 44 632 37 87

Dep. Erdwissenschaften
Sonneggstrasse 5
8092 Zürich

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